HEXIS: Braille reader for visually impaired child
Hexis is a new generation refreshable braille reader designed specifically for a visually impaired child in a special or inclusive school. Designed from grounds up, it has just four keys to download and navigate the content. It is light weight, designed for a child to carry it easily, is portable battery based design with long battery life.
Antara is the cloud software that converts all text content to Braille. Teachers and care givers have accounts in Antara and they create class room reading content or children reading content. Hexis contacts Antara and downloads content for reading through WiFi.

Hexis features
- Battery based, portable device
- Supports all major Indian languages
- Specially designed handle for ease of carrying around
- Grade 1 (Open) and Grade 2 (Contraction) support in English
- Basic school Nemeth support
- Audio cues through speaker and headphone
- Simple 4 key interface to navigate content (Next, Previous, Open, Close)
- No configuration required in Hexis to download content
- Downloaded content stored in SD card in folders
- 14 cell and 20 cell versions for early classes and advanced class students
Antara features
- Antara is cloud software, that can be run on any browsers and on any device
- Designed for a school environment
- Teacher can type, copy/paste or upload content
- Class notes and non text book content can be created
- Multiple choice question (MCQs) to test understanding of content
- Powerful analytics to know if a student has read content and how much and answers to MCQs
- Dashboard to view analytics at student, class and school level
Antara is accessible and can be used by visually impaired teachers also
What a student feels about using Hexis
How Hexis can help you?

I am a teacher in school. How can I ensure a VI child learning is same level as a sighted child?
Teacher can create braille version of class notes on go and send to child. There is no need of costly braillers and special papers. This makes the content available on demand and helps VI child learning at same level as sighted child

I am a principal of inclusive school. How can Hexis help me?
Hexis, by making the content available on demand, removes the content barrier between sighted and VI child. This helps VI child to be on par and improve her learning skills.

I am parent of a visually impaired child. How can Hexis help me?
As a parent of VI child, you will be able to send any text content to your child for her reading in Braille with a simple interface. You can share general knowledge, current affairs and other reading material you want your child to read.
Interested in Hexis for your school/child?